200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

We are offering a deeply and rich immersive 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.The training gives all participants a solid foundation and grounding in the Yoga teachings which can then be shared with others
The 1 level is open to practitioners of all styles who want to learn the principles follow at KSSOY , is for those who wants to deepen their yoga practice and apply inspiring teachings in their daily life honoring the body, mind and soul , and for yoga teachers who want to expand their knowledge of classical philosophy of yoga and alignment
The course will be lead by Indian and international teachers firmly rooted in Yogic tradition, is a great opportunity for those who want to access a training of yoga with a teacher who was born in the tradition, but with vision and contemporary communication, holding a lineage which is so important in the path of yoga
In Sanskrit ” aduatvad ” the base that sustains this system is given, it is a solid based on the realisation that this non dual conscience is the essence of everything that exists and is full of power .Kashmir Shaivism is a deeply auspicious yoga.
The Kashmir Shaivism School of yoga teaches how through the refined alignment we can develop our inner ability to feel that we are in harmony with the spirit that is the force that holds everything.
Our course is based on the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, tantra nondualistic that affirms and celebrates life and the conscious alignment in asana , bringing the philosophical and profound aspect of yoga with the body awareness to our teachings
What is a 200 YTTC at Kashmir Shaivism School of Yoga ?
is an intensive and soulful course where you learn in detail the most important elements of philosophy and techniques of the Principles of structural Alignment
The TTC is designed to give a solid base of practical understanding of the 1 level in the training certification, is for all the dedicated students and for those who want to deepen beyond regular classes or workshops. In the 1 level we will go through a journey in the history of yoga as well we will become aware of the differences and similitudes of the different systems of yoga to find out our authentic path. Following is the itinerary for the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Dharamshala. This is the first Level course at Kashmir Shaivism School of Yoga consisting of 200 hours ( contact and non contact ). Performing a complete immersion in the 1 level is a requirement for all students who want to access to the 2 level teacher training or to specialise on restorative yoga for women or kids yoga.
Daily schedule
7:30 am – 8:00am | Meditation, Sukshuma, breathing exercises |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Yogasanas, Pranayama and Kriya Practice |
9:30am – 10:30 am | Break |
10:30 am - 11:30am | Yoga philosophy and Devotional Bhakti Sessions |
11:30 am - 12:30pm | Teaching Methodology |
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm | Lunch Time |
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm | Anatomy & physiology |
3:30pm - 4:30 pm | Asana / Pranayama session |
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm | self practice – practicum prepare classes |

Techniques And Guided Training And Practice
Analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques, and 2) guided practice of the techniques themselves. this category include Asanas (type, categories) ,preparatory postures (Sukshma Vyayama),Suryanamaskara (Variations, meaning, approach) Meditative asana,use of props ( chair yoga, bolsters, belts, Ropes, walls) to adapt in general for different conditions as back pain and knee. Prana , breathing patterns ,pranayamas, mudras, kriyas, bandhas, meditation and traditional yoga philosophy from Kashmir Shaivism, , chanting of Mantras have substantial emphasis.
Teaching Methodology
Step by step teaching method, Different teaching Styles. The 200 hours YTTC ( 1level) is a Training suitable to establish a clear understanding and foundation of the differences and similarities of the main systems of Yogasana , at the end of the course you will have a clear understanding of each one and decide which to follow : integrative yoga , basic restorative yoga, vinyasa ( build strength and stamina ) or Hatha yoga to continue developing sadhana ( practice) based in self awareness, experience and capacity, include as well in this category: clear commandments, effect of Asana practice in daily life, use of voice, detailed alignment, clear and responsible adjustments, special methodology from kashmir shaivism school of yoga, -traditional indian

gurukula tradition, asana as meditation- bandhas and kumbhakas-, Shatkarmas-Cleansings: Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Nauli, Dhouthi, Trataka, Kapalabhati and cues for advance kriyas- cleansings- Bandhas, traditional and contemporary tendencies, -qualities of a Teacher (The KSSOY yoga teacher),Different aspects of teaching Yoga, Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries, How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting, Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting, The student learning process, Business aspects of teaching yoga

Anatomy And Physiology
Human Physical Anatomy and Physiology (bodily system, organs).Energy Anatomy and physiology (Chakras, Nadis. ). Yoga for (healthy movement patterns, prevent lessons, benefits and contraindication)-pranic body,-emotional body, -physical body, – intellectual body, SELF, Chakras special workshop, creative development, ancient tantric traditions of the world, gross anatomy:, Applying anatomy to yoga (Neuromuscular nervous system, Respiratory System, Skeletal System, Anatomy of flexion and extension), -how to engage the muscles, -relations and polarities, -special study for anatomical case
Yoga Philosophy, Life Style And Ethics For Yoga Teachers
Sanatana Dharma, Yoga, Raja yoga (Antaranga and Bahiranga methods), Patanjali, Jnana Yoga, Karma yoga (Bhagavad Gita), Bhakti Yoga ( Mythologies), Hatha Yoga, Sages and Integration of yoga into day to day life. anthropology of yoga, conscious living and mindfulness, -stages in the path of yoga, of vedanta –patanjali yoga sutras, vrittis- kleshas,-sanatana dharma, tattvas, vedanta father and tantra mother of YOGA ,The study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts, such as the Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of dharma and karma, -Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community, Understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others (seva)

Kashmir Shaivism
second half of the 1 level course .the kundalini yoga of kashmir shaivism, The Shaivism Tradition, Meditations of Kashmir Shaivism, Vedic and Tantric traditions, Sutras of Shaivism (yogic points) sat sang, Tantra ( conceptions and misconceptions) , teachers, master, acharyas, the feminine in kashmir shaivism
Practice teaching, -Receiving and giving feedback, -Observing others teaching, -Assisting students while someone else is teaching
4 Week Program:
First week: Yoga, Introduction to Yogasanas and method
- Definition of Yoga, Streams of Yoga, Sages
- Water element and breathing
- Earth element and the body : skeletal, muscular and skin
- Standing postures , foundations and integrity in yoga
- Meditation ( Intro to Kashmir Shaivism meditations)
Second week: History, philosophy and The Body
- Sanatana Dharma, mythology, Patanjali and Hatha yoga philosophy
- Air element and the nervous system :Anatomy applied in Yoga
- Teaching Methodology supine and sitting postures
- Pranayamas and restorative yoga
Third week: kashmir shaivism and Human Energetic Anatomy
- Kashmir Shaivism philosophy
- Introduction to Energetic Anatomy
- Sound, movement , bandhas, conscious connection ,and voice
- Inversions, dynamic yoga, back bends and twist
Forth week: Yoga Presentation and leading class
- Kriyas : Jala neti, Sutra Neti, Dhouti, Trataka, Nauli
- Arm balances and chakras
- Evaluation, presentation, feedback
The non-contact hours will be used to write a brief report, prepare a presentation and a test to reevaluate your learning process,